Freedom Stories


Scarrlet's Story 1


I hope and pray you and yours are well...

I just wanted to share a small taste of how the Lord has been glorifying Himself and manifesting His blessings and healing in our lives, especially after we went thru freedom ministry...

Pierre has been accepted for a job and starts work on Sep 2nd! Hallelujah! I also transition to a new job position on Sep 2nd! Hallelujah! And my book proposal was accepted by the publishing company and my prof and I are starting work on the book!! PTL!!

The Lord has set me free from many past circumstances that had given the enemy a foothold to torment me... So much has happened in the past 2 to 3 months!! Pierre has another session coming up!! But we strongly believe that thru the prayers of this freedom ministry, generational curses were broken off and any attachments from soul ties, war, and tradition were cut off (I could literally feel them coming off of me), in Jesus' name, and all this opened up the way for the Lord's blessings to flow and for the Holy Spirit to manifest in a great and mighty way!!! He continues to teach us, organically, how to live in the fullness of the Holy Spirit!! Hallelujah! I have way more testimonies than just what I shared below!! He is good ALL the time!!! All for His glory and our good!! Hallelujah!

Not to mention taking communion every night for me; Pierre takes with me once a week!! God is restoring and rebuilding and breaking down strongholds that are not of Him!! Hallelujah!! There is healing and power from knowing and proclaiming while taking communion that Jesus' body was given up for our healing and that His blood was shed, not only for the forgiveness of our sins, but to make us whole, the righteousness of God so that when God sees us, He sees Jesus and loves us the same way He loves Jesus!!! Hallelujah!!! There is healing and power in the body and blood of Christ!!!

Luy ya!
Scar :)

Scarrlet's Story 2

Hello friends!

I wanted to share something that happened several weeks ago after my second freedom ministry session that came to my mind today that I'm so thankful about...

This partly came up cuz my mom is on facebook now... And on facebook is the real me who she doesn't know well... I was a bit taken back by her request of friendship at first and actually talked to Pierre about it and he said just be who you are and don't change anything you post no matter what she says... Last year I was going to cancel my account but it was Pierre who didn't let me and reminded me that Jesus touches many hearts by some of the things that I post...

So... what I wanted to share is this: after my second freedom session, I had a counseling session and as I was waiting for the doc to come out and get me, for the first time in my life I was able to look back at the lost little girl and the angry teenager that I was and have pity on her and love her and cry for her and not just about what happened to her... especially after what Britt, who was a police officer, shared about how victims of abuse cling to their abusers despite the wrong and negative as weird as it sounds or feels cuz that's all they got... And the week before is when the doc shared that kids turn their righteous anger that should go outwards inwards... I think that was the first time where I really did forgive myself even though I already knew/know it wasn't my fault... And so since then I can actually look at myself in the mirror and like me and love the person who God made me to be and be thankful for who I am and say "I am a beautiful masterpiece who God created both on the inside and on the outside!"

So now that I'm learning to set boundaries, I don't have to be afraid of what my mom will say or criticize or judge about me cuz I know who I am in Christ and Who made me... And I don't have to be afraid of being myself on facebook...

So much freedom has happened and is happening!!! I'm able to eat almost all of the foods that were bothering several months ago, in moderation, and I'm not gaining weight!! I'm actually loosing weight!! :) Praise Jesus!!! Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah! :)

Blessings to you!
Scar :)

Scarrlet's Story 3

Hello all,

Rewind to 2 nights ago... I walked into our bathroom and I sneezed like crazy and started wheezing... our shower door has mold build-up and I have been known to be a human mold detector... allergic to mold... I sprayed Thieves cleaner and diffused Thieves in the air to kill all of the mold that's in the air and on the shower door frame... (that's one project on our list: change that old door!) so I was able to breathe again and go to bed later...

But my soul/spirit was not satisfied knowing the God who we serve! So the next morning (yesterday), I woke up with pain in my neck and upper back... I was pondering what happened and talking to the Lord about my heavy breathing and asking him what is this on my chest more than just mold and food and allergies and asthma etc. that I have struggled with since childhood... And Pierre and I had just had a conversation about whether the environment here is effecting me this much (humidity, moisture, greenery etc.) cuz I didn't struggle much with such things in AZ (except for dust)... Plus, I smelled a nasty smell in the bathroom knowing that neither one of us used the toilet!!! I thought sth is not right, there is sth here that shouldn't be here... And the Lord brought to my mind the conversation I had on the phone the night before with my mom and He brought to my mind to pray off the spirits of discouragement, disappointment, and rejection. So I did! And most of the heaviness off my chest left and some of the pain went away... And I smelled frankincense after that!

But pain in my upper back between my shoulders and in my neck was still there, so I called Pierre and asked him to put his hand there and just pray for the Lord to show me and reveal to me what this pain is about... Pierre walked away and I continued getting ready back and forth b/w the bathroom and He showed me by bringing Matt 18:18!!! Fear towards those foods that were listed on the blood test from May!!! So I felt the Lord leading to break off that fear and name every single food on that list! So I called Pierre back and asked him to pray in the background and I started praying... And I'm so glad I had him pray in the background cuz all of a sudden I was really coughing and the cough was fighting me until I was finally able to breathe out whatever the heck that thing was and I took in a deep breath and as I was doing that my neck adjusted and my sinuses opened and the pain between my shoulders slowly subsided! And I was able to breathe lightly!! I still am! Hallelujah!!

But there's a little cough here at work that we will get to... The Lord is working on cleaning out everything! This morning Him and I talked about my digestive system, which is a food processor, which is tied to processing emotions and situations around us... the KJV refers to bowels for emotions... I've been asking the Lord about the UTIs and YIs and Sinus Is, and finally today one thought and memory led to the other and they all funneled down to the word defensive... So much more to pray off etc. for both me and Pierre! The Lord keeps bringing things up for him too!

We have been so blessed by this ministry!!! We are so thankful and grateful!!

May the Lord continue to bless this ministry and as you reach out to more people!!


I forgot to mention that this morning I felt led to pray against allergies that have caused many issues from the environment and I felt led to call out each one by name, so I did while Pierre was praying in the background!! Hallelujah!! :)

Scarrlet's Story 4


And to add another testimony to this particular freedom session... This past Christmas the Lord used Pierre and I for His glory! 10 days before that I was undergoing major spiritual attacks emotionally that led me to physically hemorrhage during my menstrual cycle (that night during the forum at church I bled the most!) and I was very weak and lost 5 extra lbs of weight due to the amount of blood that I lost, but the Lord came to me in a vision just a week before with a Tallit on... He didn't say anything... but that led me finally to the account of the woman with the issue of bleeding! I felt Him say to me, "daughter, your faith has healed you, go in peace." He's blessed my with brothers and sisters who came to pray over me, and an oriental medicine doctor who is treating me with herbs and an acupuncturist here who's helping balance my body... I'm on my second cycle since then, and so far Praise God!! It has been normal!! But to get back to the testimony at Christmas...

Christmas morning during that state of half awake and half asleep, I heard these words, "Scarlet, you have to pray out the spirit of death from that room..." That room being my bedroom at my mom's house in which my dad passed away 2 years ago 2 days before Christmas... There had been a stigma of fear around that room and my mom has not let anyone use it... My boys like to sleep next to grandma when we're there, but they are getting way to big to all fit on a queen size bed and I'd like for either them or me and Pierre to use that room when we are there... So that whole day my mother was on my case, criticizing me and judging me and bringing me to my wit's end and Pierre kept on calming me down so that I don't react and hurt her... Until finally she left in the afternoon and I explained to Pierre what I heard the Lord tell me to do, but I told him that I'm not sure what to pray and I was pretty much beaten up... So Pierre took authority while we both prayed, and he prayed out the spirit of death from the room and I felt whatever that thing was leave!!! I tried to tell my mom that the room is clean now and we opened the door, but I don't know if she understood at that time... This past weekend we were there and the door to the room was open, but both her and the boys still wanted to take advantage of being with grandma, so no one used my room... but at least the door to what used to be my bedroom was open now!!! Praise God!!! And there was something different about this trip (I did have a bunch of people pray for us too to cover us while we're there).

But God is good ALL the time!! He keeps showing up and manifesting Himself in mighty ways!!! We are so blessed!! Thank you!! And most importantly,

Thank You, Jesus! I hope you have enough to share from my testimony... :)

Be blessed!
Scarlet :)

Scarrlet's Story 5

Dear friends and family,

The bottom line of this email is to share with you this sermon by Joseph Prince in the hopes that you will be led to watch it even if it is 1 hr long. There is something we all, as believers, need to see, that is shared towards the end of this powerful sermon. I read JP's devotional every day, but this past week this sermon was posted in 4 parts but I finally got to see the whole thing on Saturday. I pray that the Holy Spirit will burden you with seeing it and I pray that they will leave on the website for a bit longer!

Here's the link: and the sermon is titled Freed From the Fear of Death (#371)

Now, I am going to be vulnerable with you to share the significance of this subject to me... some of you might not fully accept what I'm about to share and some of you might question the validity of it... this might draw you away from us, but I'm ok with that as long as it draws you nearer to Jesus and what He wants to do in you and thru you.... to me what is happening is real because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever... The same power of the Holy Spirit that was moving in Him 2000 years ago is still the same power that is alive and moving in us today!! Hallelujah!! And His Word says in Revelation 12:11: "They triumphed over him (the devil) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony;"

Over the past several months the Lord has been literally freeing me from bondage and chains and healing my spirit, my soul, my mind, my will, and my body in ways just like it is written about what He did and does and can do in the Bible and just like He proclaimed over me back in 2010... and as He continues to remove those things that are not of Him, and continues to mold my heart and transform my mind, He continues to fill me with the Holy Spirit and He continues to pour in blessings beyond what we can think of or imagine into this little family...

It has not been an easy journey by any means... If anything, I have come to the end of me in many ways, but that is only for me to see where Jesus begins... Oh and He is so gentle and tender... I have not arrived and do not claim to be perfect in any way, but there is a lot of work and practice to go thru... and I am thankful that the Lord has us in a gracious, loving, safe church family...

I have been taking Holy Communion since May after reading a book that pulled the Scriptures together and spelled it out to me as to what it means to take communion "being mindful" (the end of that sermon is what I see and what I proclaim when I take communion every night in addition to seeing Him covering me with His blood and making me righteous and whole)... and since then the Lord has been working in a mighty way! He has helped me forgive and let go of hurts and fears that have leeched themselves onto me from the past: sexual abuse effects, dysfunctional family effects, religious misconceptions, cultural traditions, generational curses, soul ties, behavioral addictions, people pleasing, striving for performance and acceptance, striving in general, anxiety, fear, worry, rejection (family and friends), many disappointments, bullying at work, false accusations, even self-hatred, etc. ... these are all causes that have had dire and direct effects on my spiritual health, my physical health, my emotional health, my relational health, even my financial health, etc. (My husband has his own similar testimony as well). The Lord has freed me from these oppressors just like it says in Acts 10:38: "how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him." Hallelujah!! I am a walking miracle only because of what Jesus did for me on the cross and because God sees me as whole and righteous, and not only that now I see myself as God sees me!! I can look in the mirror now and say "yes, you are fearfully and woderfully made! You are a masterpiece that God created, and I am loved and wanted and accepted by my Heavenly Father because He does not make junk!" He makes works of art! And I had to see that in myself and forgive myself too from standing in the way of the blessing that the Lord wants to give me! Sometimes we are our worst enemy but praise be to God for His abundant grace!

And so... events have been happening in the past couple of months that led to this past week, where Jesus literally Freed me from the Fear of Death!! For me it was the last major enemy to be destroyed as He told me from 1 Corinthians 15:26!! (The last enemy to be destroyed is death.) Hallelujah!! He let me see that nasty thing that had leeched itself on to me and I was able to see when and where it was but because of His grace and mercy He was there too and let me see that He was there too!!! And so I was able to command it to go with His authority and because of Him already taking that thing upon himself on the cross! And I was able to feel that thing leave me and it was as heavy as 5 other things that I had worked on in one session!! Hallelujah!! When the son sets you free, you ARE FREE INDEED!!!! 

I can write a chapter on the beginning of the blessings and healings I and my little family have personally received spiritually, emotionally, physically, relationally, financially! Even in little daily things I have seen the hand of God and His favor upon us. His Word keeps coming alive to me as I continue to seek Him and trust Him... And this is just the beginning... :) Praise be to God, the Most High, the Almighty! All for His glory and our good!

Be blessed and continue to seek Him and may He open the eyes of your heart to see Him in His Word and in your daily lives! He is preparing an army and He wants each of His soldiers to be empty of themselves so that He can shine forth with His light in each of us! And His army is no ordinary army -- He wants each of us to know who we are in Christ, whole and righteous, because that is how we defeat the enemy. It is already FINISHED! Please watch that sermon or at least fast forward to the last 20 minutes or so and watch what Jesus did on the cross for you and me!
